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events from 12.00 pm-Late

Celebrating Pride and Diversity in the Lismore Lantern Parade.

As the 30th-year celebration of the Lismore Lantern Parade approaches, excitement builds as the community prepares to illuminate the night with creativity, unity, and pride. Among the festivities, this year marks a significant milestone as the Project Pride Lismore community enters the parade for the first time, adorned with magnificent Q lanterns.

 To contribute to this historic event, Project Pride Lismore has had two Workshops dedicated to crafting 10 letter Q lanterns and a grand Q symbolizing pride, unity, and diversity. These workshops invited participants to engage in a creative endeavour that not only produced stunning lanterns but also fosters connections across the community.

the lantern parade

Come join us in the parade as we assemble in Magellan Street, outside the library at 5.00 pm

8 June
